Conserve and improve our environment
We can no longer ignore the obvious warning signs. Action is needed now to address climate change and we all play a pivotal role in contributing to a better and more prosperous future for ourselves and our planet.
To support the longevity of our planet, we are committed to protecting the health of our environment and will serve as a responsible corporate citizen. We will:
- Not only address the consequences of climate change, but rather the causes.
- Focus on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to address climate change.
Without a rapid reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere global warming is expected to exceed +2 degrees, additionally this action must happen this decade to avoid being irreparable. If the temperature increase exceeds +2 degrees natural equilibria in ecosystems and the environment will reach a tipping point, resulting in a higher frequency of extreme weather events, extinction events, and a threat to human livelihoods, to name but a few probable effects of climate change.
How to achieve?
We will achieve carbon neutrality for our office facilities by the end of 2022 and greatly reduce our footprint in the areas where we have the most impact: business travel, commuting, leased transportation, and procured goods and services.
We will do so by
- Switching to using renewable energy in our offices.
- Buying from sustainable/carbon neutral suppliers and vendors.
- Provide ongoing support to staff and our clients working from home, even after the pandemic.
- Explore new commuting initiatives.